Lead Forward. Not Traditional.

Step Up

Make a Difference

Has there ever been a greater need for people to step up and make a difference in their companies, communities, and personal lives? 


Only 41% of companies say, “our organization is building a robust talent pipeline of the leaders we need to thrive”. 

--MIT Sloan Management Review


Our Voices Matter

Too often people get stuck in a rut where they go with the flow rather than make an impact.

Why does this happen?  I don’t fall for the false dichotomy that they either need courage or a safe environment. What holds us back is bigger than that.

Traditional Leadership Ideas Don’t Empower People To Lead

I’ve spent my life with leaders helping them to find a better way and a bigger voice.  There are few guideposts out there that provide a way forward for leaders at all levels. Impactful Leadership is one of them. 

It’s not just a bunch of jargon.  It gets real about how we all need to learn, change and lead differently. 

More ideas about leadership won’t change outcomes.  If you want to make a real impact difference in your world, reach out and let’s talk.

-Al Preble

Founder, CLG


Four Roles for Collaborative Leadership


Michael Jordan & The Power of Teamwork