Managing Difficult A Players: A Strategic Imperative for Leadership Success

In every organization, high performers—often referred to as "A Players"—are invaluable assets. They drive innovation, productivity, and excellence. However, managing these top talents can sometimes be challenging, especially when they exhibit difficult behaviors. Addressing the complexities of difficult A Players is crucial for maintaining a positive organizational culture, optimizing productivity, and ensuring high levels of employee engagement.

The Strategic Importance of Managing Difficult A Players

Difficult A Players can have a profound impact on an organization. While their contributions are significant, their challenging behavior can create tension and disrupt team dynamics. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, toxic employees can cost a company up to twice as much as their high-performing counterparts generate in terms of productivity gains. Moreover, Gallup’s research shows that disengaged employees, often a result of difficult workplace relationships, can cost organizations around 34% of their annual salary in lost productivity .

Impact on Organizational Culture

The presence of a difficult A Player can significantly influence the overall organizational culture. If left unaddressed, their behavior can lead to a toxic work environment, reducing morale and increasing turnover rates. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 58% of employees who leave a job do so because of negative workplace culture. Therefore, it is essential for leaders to proactively manage these individuals to maintain a healthy and productive work environment.

Enhancing Productivity and Employee Engagement

While A Players contribute significantly to productivity, their behavior can also hinder team performance if not managed effectively. Research by the Corporate Executive Board (CEB) indicates that employees who work in a collaborative environment are 50% more likely to report high levels of performance. Ensuring that A Players align with the team’s goals and values can enhance overall productivity and foster a more engaged workforce.

Practical Applications for Leaders

1. Setting Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate behavioral expectations and the importance of teamwork to A Players. Establishing boundaries helps them understand the impact of their actions on the team and the organization.

2. Providing Constructive Feedback: Regular, honest feedback is essential. A study by Zenger Folkman found that employees who receive regular feedback are three times more likely to be engaged at work. Address issues promptly and constructively to prevent escalation.

3. Leveraging Strengths: Focus on the strengths of A Players while addressing their challenges. Encouraging them to use their skills in a collaborative manner can lead to positive outcomes for the entire team.

4. Fostering Inclusivity: Promote a culture of inclusivity where every team member feels valued. According to Deloitte, inclusive teams outperform their peers by 80% in team-based assessments.


At Cambridge Leadership, we understand the challenges and opportunities of managing difficult A Players. Our leadership development programs are designed to equip leaders with the skills necessary to handle these situations effectively, ensuring positive organizational outcomes. Explore our programs today and transform your leadership approach for a more productive and engaged workforce.


1. Harvard Business Review. (2015). "Toxic Workers."

2. Gallup. (2020). "State of the American Workplace."

3. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2019). "Culture and Retention."

4. Corporate Executive Board (CEB). (2014). "High-Performance Teams."

5. Zenger Folkman. (2014). "The Impact of Feedback on Employee Engagement."

6. Deloitte. (2018). "The Diversity and Inclusion Revolution: Eight Powerful Truths."


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