Should Leaders Have All The Answers?

If Leaders Don't Have All The Answers

What Do They Have?

Leaders everywhere continue to talk to me about the pressure they feel to provide the answers and wonder why they don’t see more from their people.

The leader/follower approach is part of the problem, and we kid ourselves into believing that because we know more about Leadership than ever, leadership behavior has changed. Our research with over 30,000 leaders shows it has not.

Here's The Reality...

Traditional Leadership is dependent mainly on good followership. Good followership depends on people looking to leaders for answers.

It works when the problems are routine, and so are the solutions. But we don’t live in that world.  


Get Out Of The "Answers" Trap

Impact Driven Leadership provides a way forward: rather than just giving answers, this leadership is about bringing people together to take on the real challenges and make a change.

Our research shows that people find ways to avoid the real challenges rather than embrace them. This human tendency maintains performance but rarely leads to breakthroughs.


Impact-driven leaders take responsibility for creating a context for open and honest dialogue where people can challenge ideas and each other so everyone can learn, change, and make highly informed decisions.

They understand that decisions only matter if people are internally committed to executing. The research on commitment is clear; when people are involved, commitment goes up.

Leadership is not about having the answers.

It’s about bringing people together uniquely, creating real breakthroughs in performance.


Stop looking "UP" for answers


Lead Smart. Not Traditional.